GM262 Make a Difference
There are some things that cannot be hurried. Real changes must happen from within. Changes that happen within people create the changes that we know humanity needs, and it begins with you. It may seem infinitesimally small and we are in disbelief that it is even worthwhile, but a simple act of genuine non-invasive kindness has a ripple effect. lt is slowly happening. People and groups and institutions are seriously looking at this. The movement has started but humanity is so complex there is no quick solution. So, step by step, baby steps. Find that inner quietness, strength, that confidence and that patience and practice random acts of kindness. lt could make your day. Make a difference!
We can change our shape. We do so when we are kind, loving, angry or judgemental. Sometimes we forget to return to a shape that will be of benefit to us and leave the moment better for passing through. Those moments are cumulative and combine to create the state of the world.
We may not change the world but we can shift ourselves by shifting our thoughts. To do that we connect to our inner reserves. Calming our mind with our mindfulness and in our meditation, we draw on those reserves and feel the energy in which we are immersed. Feel it, become aware of it, use it to soften the edges and leave the moment better for passing through it. Seeds of Gratitude
There is a very useful energy in gratitude. Although we may experience it we often accept it and move on. We have the tendency to forget the good things that have happened to us, those experience that brought us joy, the important things. We are encouraged to move on to the next experience or the next possession which promises happiness. It is very beneficial if we can bring to mind the feelings we had in a past experience. It is the feeling we look for, not the event. Bring that feeling into the present moment. Focus on the delight and in the quietness of self, let it expand. It may need a little effort as we tend to outweigh our joys with worries. With fresh eyes we may find there are good things around us, simple things that we can enjoy. Building up gratitude will make a difference, not only for us but for others on the way. Particles of Kindness
Kindness is an energy, a transforming energy. It is subtle and non-invasive. It may not seem very much but it is love in action. In learning to be kind to ourselves we can let go of those many “what ifs” and those “should haves” and “shouldn’t haves” and bring ourselves into who we are now. Being kind to ourselves is to be non-judgemental and accepting of ourselves and we will see others in the same way. Then that kindness will emanate from us and the subtle, non-invasive transforming energy will be spread. We may not see the effect very often as it is cumulative but is there. That is so important in today’s world. Kindness is seriously lacking. Every little bit counts. But first be kind to yourselves. Sow those particles of kindness. |
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