Our life is a bucket of opportunities and possibilities, but quite often we let them leak out and drain away. Like the folk song of our title, we go round in circles, never making a firm decision. In spending time in quietness, focussing our thoughts, we may be able to make those choices that serve us best.
Having cared for ourself, that subtle change of energy will flow out in to the consensus reality and, combining with others doing the same, in time bring some much needed calm to people, places and to the planet – our home!
We may find ourselves wondering why we are here. Why we are here at all. There are of course short term goals, succeeding in doing this or that. We push away the deep why! If we limit our knowing to our physical selves we know that we won’t be here for ever so we avoid allowing ourselves to delve deeper.
If we take the opportunity to begin an inward journey, stepping away from being enmeshed in what is going on around us, there is a sense of a much deeper part of us. It is this deeper part that seeds the question, “who am I?” It entices us to catch the glimmer that this is that deeper part looking through our minds. Our consciousness is “playing hide and seek” saying “find me!” Savour the moment, don’t let it pass. Dwell on that feeling of success, it is a deep energy release. The success is not the focus, it is that unexpected feeling of timelessness. Not every moment of success will have this burst of energy. It may only happen from time to time, and generally it is unexpected so we don’t build up expectations.
That burst of joy is ‘who we really are’ finding a way into our daily lives. Just know it is there, always there for you but never interfering. Remember, it is the journey that is important, not the destination |
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