“Infinite Possibilities”
This is an introduction to the overarching direction for most of this year. We are limited largely by our five senses. It is a challenge to think outside the box. To discover those true opportunities we need a wider vision. The ‘ball is in our court’. Each breath is an added time for opportunity. Every now and then we experience possibilities behind the thinking mind. It may simply be an expansion of love, some ‘aha’ moment, some ‘impossible’ experience such as walking on red hot coals! The question us, are these random events or is there something beckoning us to step out. Glimpses of infinite possibilities. In meditation we suggest using a mantra to create a relaxed mind. The Mantra (so ‘ham) we suggest is pronounced, ‘so hum’. It means: ‘I am all there is’ in Sanskrit.
Be brave, find your quiet place. It may be a favourite chair, somewhere where you can be uninterrupted. A place to relax and feel okay. Create a place within you where you can let go and feel okay. There may be compromises, however the aim is to create a space to be quiet in yourself for some real ‘me’ refreshment time.
Notice the rhythm of the breathing, draw the mind to the breath. Breathe in new fresh energy, and breathe away the old used energy, breathe away fears. Let go the world around you. Relax and open to an energy of stillness, quietness. Let it wash over you. Give yourself a few precious minutes of quiet time. Let the life affirming energy flow through you - all of you. An Affirmation: “I am immersing myself in Light and Love for my protection, for my healing and for guidance” Love is a very powerful energy. It is hard to hold on to this. It is not weak but very strong. Love will dissolve fear. If we can learn not to look outwards for this energy, but seek it within ourselves, we will gain strength to overcome the challenges in our lives. Mindfulness and meditation guide us within, with the help of deep breathing to find that special place. We have many experiences, challenges and many old stories, but that love is there. Go there and find it.
We can become quite fragmented. Bringing body, mind, thought and feeling onside can become very creative. We can make a difference to ourselves. This can be in a form of visualisation that may be familiar.
Many visualisations focus on a story or a journey. This Guided Meditation focuses on being contained within ourselves to generate thoughts and feelings of wholeness, inner calm and strength leading us to shift our attitude to one of hope. As we relax and open we immerse ourselves in the energy we create allowing it and feeling it permeate every part of us, every aspect of body mind and spirit, breathing that energy through ourselves, refreshing and regenerating. Yes, the story needs to change. It is our story that is the first step. We are constantly reminding ourselves of the story we have developed over our life. That story may no longer be serving us well.
Through the ‘eyes’ of that story we see the world around us. Changing the pattern we have created will change how we see the world. The world is magnificent, nature is amazing, the clouds of stars in the night sky are beyond expression and we live for our time in that. The tools of mindfulness and meditation will equip us to take another look at our story, adjust it and focus on the positive, reduce the negative and practice kindness! Many of us make very heavy weather of our lives. In trying to do the right thing we can take on other people’s responsibilities. It is easy to do. At some point it is most important we review where we are. This is for our sake. It may be time for some serious self-care.
If we are feeling weighed down, stop, review, find ways to step away from burdens that are not ours to carry, and lighten up. Seriously ‘breathe away’ any sense of guilt. The intention to ‘go lightly’ will be of enormous benefit for our well-being. It may need outside professional advice and may require some unpopular decisions but the outcome may be liberating. Proceed calmly and with the resolve to go lightly. A cluttered mind is often reflected in our lifestyle. Long term we may well find it affects our well-being. One way to check what is going on is to become aware of the mental conversation going on in our mind. We may well find that most of our personal conversation lessens our self-worth.
This is often reflected in what is happening to us and around us. We only see the negative, and that we know, causes so many problems. Becoming more aware of the thoughts we have is the first step. It is simply clearing up where we stand, no self-judgement. Some form of mindfulness is necessary. The next step, and no simple task, is to change the negative thoughts with deeper breathing to something positive. Perhaps use an affirmation. Meditation may take us deeper and give us the energy to begin clearing the pathway forward. “My thoughts create my reality” Our life is a bucket of opportunities and possibilities, but quite often we let them leak out and drain away. Like the folk song of our title, we go round in circles, never making a firm decision. In spending time in quietness, focussing our thoughts, we may be able to make those choices that serve us best.
Having cared for ourself, that subtle change of energy will flow out in to the consensus reality and, combining with others doing the same, in time bring some much needed calm to people, places and to the planet – our home! We may find ourselves wondering why we are here. Why we are here at all. There are of course short term goals, succeeding in doing this or that. We push away the deep why! If we limit our knowing to our physical selves we know that we won’t be here for ever so we avoid allowing ourselves to delve deeper.
If we take the opportunity to begin an inward journey, stepping away from being enmeshed in what is going on around us, there is a sense of a much deeper part of us. It is this deeper part that seeds the question, “who am I?” It entices us to catch the glimmer that this is that deeper part looking through our minds. Our consciousness is “playing hide and seek” saying “find me!” Maybe we’ve become caught up in a routine or lifestyle that no longer serves us. Are we able to stop for a moment to see if we can change - not just the routine but our attitude? In our meditation, we asked for clarity to see what is holding us back. Change the attitude, change the direction. In this meditation we suggest a focus on the process of change, shifting from scarcity to abundance. Because this may seem impossible, due to our life’s experiences, focus on the process, “I am flowing into abundance”. From time to time as this is repeated, allow the feeling of wholeness and strength to rise from within. It is a gradual change, be patient, be kind to yourself.
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February 2025
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