We may find ourselves wondering why we are here. Why we are here at all. There are of course short term goals, succeeding in doing this or that. We push away the deep why! If we limit our knowing to our physical selves we know that we won’t be here for ever so we avoid allowing ourselves to delve deeper.
If we take the opportunity to begin an inward journey, stepping away from being enmeshed in what is going on around us, there is a sense of a much deeper part of us. It is this deeper part that seeds the question, “who am I?” It entices us to catch the glimmer that this is that deeper part looking through our minds. Our consciousness is “playing hide and seek” saying “find me!”
Savour the moment, don’t let it pass. Dwell on that feeling of success, it is a deep energy release. The success is not the focus, it is that unexpected feeling of timelessness. Not every moment of success will have this burst of energy. It may only happen from time to time, and generally it is unexpected so we don’t build up expectations.
That burst of joy is ‘who we really are’ finding a way into our daily lives. Just know it is there, always there for you but never interfering. Remember, it is the journey that is important, not the destination Maybe we’ve become caught up in a routine or lifestyle that no longer serves us. Are we able to stop for a moment to see if we can change - not just the routine but our attitude? In our meditation, we asked for clarity to see what is holding us back. Change the attitude, change the direction. In this meditation we suggest a focus on the process of change, shifting from scarcity to abundance. Because this may seem impossible, due to our life’s experiences, focus on the process, “I am flowing into abundance”. From time to time as this is repeated, allow the feeling of wholeness and strength to rise from within. It is a gradual change, be patient, be kind to yourself.
Our life can be a stream, a river. We may be hanging onto the reeds as the river passes us by, but more likely we can be stuck in the mud. It is important we become aware of where we are. There will be situations where we are just not able to let go, and that is quite understandable. But quite often we are stuck because we have become very rigid in our outlook. This can make us very vulnerable to change, and humanity is changing very rapidly.
Kindness is love in action, but let it come from strength. When this kindness comes from within we may notice a change in energy, a feeling of wellbeing – a chemical change. So above all be kind to yourself.
Being genuinely kind is of great benefit to ourselves. But also, and directly so, in passing that energy there is every likelihood it will be received, benefit the recipient and in turn may be passed on to others. So that act of kindness could spread quite widely. It is hard to let go sometimes. It is hard to be detached. If we could tell ourselves that “nothing really matters”, life would be so much less stressful. Deep breathing and relaxation help us to step back and go with the flow. Life is brief. Focus on what really matters and be in the present moment.
More often than not what has consumed our energy disappears. What has kept us awake at night disappears in the morning. Not in every case of course, but we should consider the loss of energy and the agitation we generate. Even so night is not the best time to deal with difficult matters. Home is where the heart is. People who are passionate about living will seek that which will bring satisfaction. Unfortunately, it may be that seeking we cannot find.
Our restlessness comes from an unconscious knowing that there is something missing and that ‘something’ is within ourselves which we may not find in the outside world. We cannot buy a ticket or go on a cruise, it’s more subtle but also more elusive. We have to allow our restlessness to quieten and become more aware of our whole being. If our restless energy is directed to mindfulness and meditation we begin the adventure of self-discovery. We ‘go home’ to our deep self for rest, refreshment and recreation to widen our vision and begin to find what we have been seeking. In our present climate it is increasingly import to create a buffer zone between our self-worth and the messages we have gathered about our unworthiness. This may not be obvious and we do find ways to cover that. It is time to revalue what it means to be human.
Get away, step into the quietness within. We are in a dark patch at the moment. Most people are living on the outer edge of themselves. Circumstances draw us away from our roots. We have lost a story to hold onto to give meaning and purpose. Many have lost ‘their song’. To generate the energy to step away from the chaotic edge is not a copout. To explore the inner journey will have benefits.
The practice of mindfulness and meditation is an established pathway to our core-self. It can be a challenge to ease ourselves away from media-addiction and other distractions. But for our well-being in every aspect of our life it is worth the effort. Many find moments of quietness following the breathing and using a mantra brings an inner clarity and an inner connection to a new story of personal self worth. Charles Wesley wrote once wrote the lyrics “My chains fell off, my heart was free.” That is how we can feel if we learn to let go and loosen the ties to our old habits and fears.
Experiences from the past colour our thoughts and shape our attitude, and so it is important that we don't try to hold onto those stories which no longer serve us. The ultimate goal is to make use of our memories, not let memories make use of us. “Loosen the strings, and be free!” |
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