Pathlight Meditation News
Time for a holiday. The last streaming for 2024 is on December 11 and 12. We send invitations for this. We will continue to email and post Guided Meditations until December 19. Streaming and emailing meditations will resume meditation around the end of January. We will email you before we commence. There may be some streaming timetable changes.
It’s a very wide stage.
It is time we changed the script. Too many of the dramas on the world stage have lost the story of humanity. When one says my story (tradition) is right, it implies any other story is wrong! Humanity has a great capacity for love and kindness. But once we compare and judge and assume a rigid ‘right’ position we generate fear and fear compounds fear. We do need a little darkness so we can appreciate light, but if our traditional story accentuates our ‘rightness’ then it will generate fear. October 2024
The Brown Mouse. A strange title but it may be useful. When under pressure we may withdraw a little too much into our little self. Thus into our mouse hole. Even when things may be confusing around us we can look around for a change in lifestyle or opportunities. In other words be a little proactive. In some instances that may be quite challenging, yes, there is always the great journey. |
February 2025