It’s Time Time to renew. Time to look at ourselves more seriously. It’s time to explore the deeper part of ourselves and ‘Thrive in ’25’. “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” This may seem to be very challenging, depending on our circumstances. But if possible, if we can shift our attitude to a positive attitude, we may begin to see things with a wider vision. There has been a change in the way we are thinking. Many people are becoming more aware that things should be better than they are. We are finding that there are many groups that are emerging that are exploring possibilities for change. But the changes will not be coming from the outside. They have to come from within us as we individually begin to change and make the difference, simply by being kind. It can change the energy of a situation. That is a great beginning.
How Can I Make A Difference “How can I make a difference?” Well maybe we don’t think we can do much. Humanity seems to have leapt back into the rigid dark shadows of the past. But we only see one side of the picture. The other side is that all over humanity people are waking up and beginning to look for something different. If we can scatter seeds of light and love, as the tree scatters it seeds into the wind, some of those seeds we send will fall on fertile ground, will encourage those wo are seeking to look further. We may not see any apparent results. However little by little over quite some time what we do today will make a difference. We suggest take a moment to be quiet, symbolically draw the love and light into yourself then in whatever way symbolically works for you, cast that love and light out into humanity or over any area that comes to mind and then step back with gratitude and move on. For You It is really exciting doing these meditations for you. We know that there is a lot of confusion in the world today and ‘people behaving badly!’ Let that be what it is. Sometimes there is not much that can be done on the outside but there is a lot we can do on the inside. This is the strength of mindfulness meditation. There are a number of benefits. The first and most obvious is relaxing the body and calming the mind. These two go together. As we reduce the stress and the mind and body relax, our self-healing can become active. The second is that as we go deeper into ourself, as we do in these meditations, we can start to rebuild or enhance our confidence in being who we are. In time this will filter through to our normal life and begin to change our attitude flavoured with joyfulness. Networking It’s time to share. Many folk are quite lost and confused. They are aware that there is something missing but cannot find what they are looking for. We are at a point of change. The old ways are just not working as expected. There are many upheavals. It’s time to share. It has been an opportunity for us to produce the Guided Meditations and links to the Nova Network as pathways to self-discovery. The recordings are free and as you know there is no cost to you and can be used anywhere at any time for anyone. Consider being an agent for change. There will be people you know who are awakening and are uneasy. It only takes a spark to ignite a fire, a fire for life, a support, a direction, a purpose. Please pass on these meditations, it may make a world of difference to someone. You may even create your own network with the recordings. The sky is the limit! ---------------------- Pathlight Links Guided Meditations and other information are found on our websites: or There are many of our Guided Meditations on the YouTube Nova Network. There are also very many short talks from the Nova Conferences.. If you do not wish to click the link, do a google search for “YouTube Nova Network”.
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February 2025