You were reading today in one of the magazines and one of the topics was “Transformation is all there is”. Did you follow that? I think it is the movement towards something else Transformation applies to everything in your creation, because all matter and energy is constantly transforming. It is never destroyed but it is being changed into something else. Transformation - Example An example, would be that of a cloud. By and by that cloud seems to disappear and appear somewhere else. It has not been destroyed, it has not disappeared, the water vapour has simply been transformed into a different aspect of itself. That sometimes becomes precipitation, and that precipitation is transformation into what you call rain, or any other particular precipitation that you have. Ultimately that water is transformed into something else and so on. That is a very simple example of transformation. When you think of it everything follows that pattern. It follows the pattern of moving from one aspect of matter even into what is known perhaps as antimatter. It is just changed energy. Somewhere it was said that ‘life’ is movement but this goes much further than that. So really when you are breathing energy into yourself it is simply being transformed into something else. And our thoughts can alter that transformation? Thoughts are another aspect of that transformation, as you say. Breathing the most powerful The breathing however is the most powerful, because it is constant. Your thoughts can be random. The breathing can be enhanced and mindful but it is constant in that you have to do it otherwise you are no longer here! Then you will transform into something else – but that is not what we are talking about. The little article is fairly accurate. Transformation is all there is Transformation is all that there is, and it is in the present moment. It is very powerful. Transformation is the constant changing of energy and the realignment of itself into a harmonious pulsating creation. So evolution is a transformation of energy and we are part of that transformation Correct. And that is when you have your glimmers. Your glimmers are little achievements. In ourself? Well it’s all in yourself. You know that! So it is all within yourself but it appears to be outside of you. It is not but you do not have to understand that, you just have to know it. But you have to get on with your ‘chopping wood and carrying water’. Is that also part of the transformation? Yes, it certainly is. I will speak more of that another time. Is light energy? It is the pure love energy of the whole pulsating universe. And that is permeating and enabling the transformation. You could put it like that! Alright don’t get yourself too bound down with this. You are starting to analyse it. Just know what I am saying and it will come back to you when you need it You are Transforming! I can see that everything is transforming itself As are you. You do not see it yet but you are. You are transforming your attitude. The attitude is the energy which is transforming you. As you change the way you think you are changing your attitude. Which is your transformation. It seems to go round in circles but that is what it is. It is spiral, most definitely. |
Transformation is the constant changing of energy and the realignment of itself into a harmonious pulsating creation. Your attitude is the energy which is transforming you. |
Harmony and Balance
Today, I focused on harmony and balance. I tried to be in harmony with myself.
You don’t have to understand it, as I have said before, you simply have to know it. You are just changing your energy levels. Glimpses I have been getting these minute little glimpses. They are an awareness – an awareness that this is an illusion to be experienced. But it is so slight I can’t really describe it. Because you cannot understand it. Do not attempt to understand. Just be in that glimpse. All it is, is a little flash of energy. And that flash of energy, well we can translate that, into light. So, the light is a little glimmer! And that glimmer is a small aspect of your enlightenment. It’s energy. Again, don’t try to understand it. Just know what I am saying and see the little glimmers that you have as fragments of light energy coming to you. Sparks if you like. There are no words, it is a concept once again. So little sparks of energy which create what you call an ‘aha’ moment. Very tiny, yes. But just think when they begin to accumulate, they will be more than just tiny! We’re having a little light session again tonight in more ways than one! Concept of Harmony The concept of harmony, if you can think of it as the energy levels moving together in unison. Joining together so that they are harmonious as with the orchestra, with music. Breathing, if you like it can be the conductor who is conducting the orchestra. The breathing, the movement and the intention of harmony was what I was doing today in my exercises So you are transferring the breathing energy into a harmonious union within yourself. |
Divine Dialogue
Home You are transferring the breathing energy into a harmonious union within yourself. |